Individual Beef Wellington Recipe - (2024)


Community Pick

Individual Beef Wellington Recipe - (1)

Submitted by LonghornMama

"My most favorite meal for special ocassions which I have made numerous times with good results. Impressive and really very easy. I usually serve with Pommes Anna, a good green salad and some decadent chocolate dessert. Pastry covered filets may be prepared up to two days in advance and stored covered in the refrigerator, or frozen before baking for up to one month. I have also made and subbed mushroom pate for the liver pate with good results. From Flavors, the San Antonio Junior League cookbook, credited to Mrs. Earl Hobbs Chumney, Jr. (Barbara Sue Christian). Time to make does not include chill time."


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Ready In:
25hrs 45mins





  • Beef

  • 4 (4 ounce) filet of beef
  • 1 garlic clove, halved
  • salt and pepper
  • 14 cup butter
  • 4 tablespoons brandy
  • 12 cup fresh mushrooms, finely minced
  • 1 (4 ounce) can liver pate
  • Mushroom Sauce

  • 14 cup onion, minced
  • 6 large mushrooms, sliced
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 12 cup red wine
  • 1 (10 1/2 ounce) can beef broth, undiluted
  • 1 bay leaf
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • Pastry

  • 6 pepperidge farm pastry shells, 1 pkg, defrosted (or pastry dough, enough for a 2 crust pie)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • butter



  • BEEF: Rub each filet with garlic and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Saute filets in butter 3-4 minutes on each side. Flame brandy, pour over filets (if this freaks you out, don't flame the brandy). Remove filets and chill.
  • In the same skillet, saute chopped mushrooms and chill. Mix pate with chilled mushrooms, spread over filets, and refrigerate.
  • MUSHROOM SAUCE: Using the same skillet over medium heat, combine onion and sliced mushrooms, stir in flour and gradually add wine, broth and bay leaf. Stir until sauce bubbles and is thickened. Season with salt, pepper and Worcestershire.
  • PASTRY: Roll out patty shells or dough and trim into 4 6-inch squares. Brush with egg. Place each filet, pate side down, on pastry. Fold dough completely over filets and seal edges with butter. Place seam side down on a greased baking sheet (with a rim) and brush again with egg.
  • Pastry may now be garnished with small flowers or leaves made from extra dough and attached using butter or beaten egg. Don't skip this step, it is very impressive looking; even I will get out the small co*cktail cookie cutters and stick on a few pastry leaves, holly and berry, or even hearts for Valentine's Day.
  • Bake at 425 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until crust is richly browned. Serve with heated mushroom sauce.

Questions & Replies

Individual Beef Wellington Recipe - (13)

  1. Individual Beef Wellington Recipe - (14)

    I feel like the total cooking time would result in well done meat. Hiw would you make this recipe if you prefer your beef to be rare to med- rare?



  1. Individual Beef Wellington Recipe - (15)

    I've been dating my fiancee for 10 years and REFUSE to cook. I'll sous chef or cook my family's Romanian dishes, but that's it. Thanks to this recipe, she now knows that I actually can cook and welp so much for that. The secret's out. The one thing I would change is the sear time on the meat: I did it for 2 minutes on one side and 1 minute on the other, and it came out medium rare after being put in the oven. If you did it for 4 minutes on both sides, I'm sure it would be well done.

  2. Individual Beef Wellington Recipe - (16)

    Hands down one of the best meat dishes I've made. Made this for my Boyfriends Birthday Dinner and his reviews to me were " Heathenistic" and better than his Moms, (to be fair she never made him wellington, but I still shone with that review) I followed Daves advice of 2 minutes per side and It came out nice and light red (yum). I got a liver/truffle mushroom pate and used truffle salt. He and I voted this in as a have to make once a year family tradition, Christmas or new year meal. I can't thank you enough for such an amazing recipe.

  3. Individual Beef Wellington Recipe - (17)

    This was the first time I have had this and it was well worth the work to put it together. The sauce is very good along with the pastry being baked at the same time. The only thing that did not work for me was the bacon.It was not cooked all the way thru.My suggestion is to fry the bacon a little until it is not limp any more and then put it around the meat.It will get rid of some of the fat in the bacon therefore not making the pastry wrap soggy from the fat in the bacon. Thank You for the post. MoonTan Master!

  4. Individual Beef Wellington Recipe - (18)

    I made this for a very special friends Birthday Dinner. I was unable to purchase madallions of Filet Mignon, but trimmed down the fillets as much as possible, used Pate de Foie de Canard Au Porto, and made the remainder as given. These baked up perfectly, the crust done to a beautiful golden brown, while the steaks inside were nice and rare. I received raves from the Birthday Boy who now thinks I am a gourmet cook, many thanks to you and your super recipe. Hugz (have pic on my cell phone and just as soon as I can figure out how to do it will post the pic)

  5. Individual Beef Wellington Recipe - (19)

    I made these with 8 ounce filets - they were magnificent. Did them a day ahead so it was an effortless meal to prepare. I also brushed them with an egg wash before baking for an even more impressive presentation - will definitely make them again.

see 19 more reviews





Individual Beef Wellington Recipe  - (2024)
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