Spoiler-free tips for Isekai Rondo – RPG Insanity (2025)

Isekai Rondo is one of Exe-Create’s easier games even on the highest difficulty of Very Hard. Any player effort to deliberately improve passives, increase character stats, power up weapons/armor, etc. has the potential to trivialize the midgame onward. Becoming an overpowered powerhouse can be fun, so feel free to interpret this post as suggestions for what to do (if you want the party to be strong) or what not to do (if you want more challenge).

As usual, there will be no story spoilers and no details about specific boss fights. There will also be no details about how to unlock or improve battle passives, since figuring that out from the in-game hints is essentially a set of bonus mini-puzzles. Check the “Passives” selection in each individual character menu and click on the “???” entries to see these in-game hints. If you want the solutions, this thread spells out what unlocks all of the passives (behind spoiler bars):


Whenever you happen to unlock a new battle passive, take a close look at what it does from the character’s passive menu. Some passives greatly reward the player for using certain skills, or approaching battle in specific ways.

What to buy from the Shop? In terms of sheer battle power, the strongest purchases are the Secret Room options to increase physical or magical damage done up to 100%. The early game of Isekai Rondo is the most difficult part, and the easiest way to get through it is to buy the magic damage increases first, which powers up almost every attack Shaw has and several attacks from the others.

The only other important Shop purchase is the key to an optional dungeon, which costs 250 Shop currency. The key and the dungeon are not available until the postgame, and the Shop dungeon is not needed to power up. I recommend the Shop dungeon for the fun of exploring its floors, its humorous side-story, and the unique summon that comes from conquering it.

Other Shop purchases offer some convenience, like the Secret Room option to make random encounters drop stat boosters (helpful in the early game) or speed up the real-time garden, or give a discount at the Arena shop, but they’re not really needed. Shop boosts to experience and PP gain are particularly useless – experience has a soft cap in the main game and rockets up very fast to the maximum level of 999 in the postgame, while PP level will very probably reach the maximum of 10 well before the postgame.

There is a reason to spend Shop currency on gacha (“forging”) rather than most permanent upgrades: four of Viola’s summons are Shop gacha-exclusive. 100% completionists may want to spend most of their Shop currency trying for the summons. Fortunately, no Achievements/Trophies, bestiary entries, or in-game panel rewards are gated behind Shop gacha.

Console/PC versions yield much more Shop currency from random encounters and daily missions, but the fastest way to get Shop currency in-game is to defeat the ultimate postgame superboss on all four difficulties. After this is done, the superboss will give Shop currency for every subsequent victory.

Who should get stat boosters? It’s a judgement call whether to unlock the Shop Secret Room option that makes random encounters drop stat boosters. If you do, concentrating stat boosters on Shaw – whose magic attacks can easily target any weakness, and whose water spell that damages the enemy AND heals the party will carry a close fight – can help in the early game when the party is most vulnerable. Either way, Famin is the easiest character to power up since she can eat pretty much anything to boost her stats.

Most consumable items purchased from ordinary shops will only raise Famin’s HP or MP. She can eat weapons and armor (or accessories, or monster materials) to raise other stats, often depending on what bonus effect is on the weapon. The items from the Arena shop that buff party stats or debuff enemy stats give Famin a massive stat boost, especially as her Bad Food Digestion passive increases, and can quickly turn her into an nearly-unstoppable powerhouse.

Save a few of these Arena items for boss battles though, as the ability to buff all party stats or debuff all enemy stats is absurdly powerful. Other Exe-Create games have items/abilities that only buff/debuff all stats for one character/one enemy, and even those weaker items are very powerful!

If you’re not using overpowered items, then you’ll have to use party member abilities to hand out buffs and debuffs. Different characters can buff/debuff different stats, and relying on these buffs and debuffs is the safest way to approach boss battles in general. Note that reapplying a buff or debuff that is already active will never extend it; however, some of Viola’s summons will extend party buffs or enemy debuffs.

Viola’s summons are fairly hardy and can be healed. They are worth using in any challenging fight. Drowt’s mana plants aren’t quite as powerful because they don’t attack, but that can be a positive if you’re trying to finish off enemies or bosses with Famin’s Bite attack to give her more stats. You can dismiss an active summon/mana plant in battle by replacing it with another summon/mana plant on the square it occupies.

The Smithy system lets the player power up or add special effects to their favorite weapons and armor. For 99% of the game, the best weapons to power up are weapons belonging to the Battle series. These weapons boost Speed up to 30%, and more Speed means more turns in combat! Shops sell Battle weapons as their default inventory in the early game, and periodically as special purchases after their default inventory changes, and the randomized, respawning equipment chests on certain early dungeon floors will give them. Battle weapons aren’t hard to get.

In the postgame, the player easily can max out all of the party’s stats by repeatedly clearing the Secret Arena. Clear the Rabbit Cup of the Arena, and the Secret Arena will unlock; the party can choose to fight the Secret Arena by talking to the Arena shop vendor. The Secret Arena may overpower the party at the very beginning of the postgame; losing to the Secret Arena is not a game over, and worth doing once to see the dialogue that follows.

When maxing out the party’s stats, keep in mind that if a party member has already reached the maximum of 99,999 HP or 9999 of any other stat due to boosts from their equipment (such as equipped Battle weapons!) then THE STAT BOOSTER WILL BE CONSUMED TO NO EFFECT. Once the party’s stats are very high, unequip all gear before consuming Secret Arena stat boosters!

Once the party’s Speed is maxed, Battle weapons are no longer the best in the game. The best weapons are arguably Abyssus weapons, found in the postgame dungeon floors, because they do more damage according to how many times the wielder’s abilities have been used, with an unbelievably high limit. Alternatively, the Shop dungeon has four good weapons with strong enhancements (which spares the player from having to farm up monster materials). Some weapons won from gacha can be quite strong, and you’ll probably get them if you’re trying for Viola’s gacha-exclusive summons.

What is the best armor? In the early game, Chill-Out Pajamas are useful because they restore magic points, and it takes a while for the player to obtain ways to automatically get magic points back in mid-battle. Arena armor is strong in the midgame, but probably not worth the effort it takes to grind out the requisite Arena currency.

In practice, any armor will be sufficiently strong if it’s powered up through the Smithy system, and especially if effects that reduce physical and magical damage are applied to it. Just beware of Mad Beast armor, which inflicts the bad status Rampage on the wearer.

One final warning: there is no way to mark unequipped weapons, armor, or accessories as “favorites” that can’t be sold, dismantled, or fed to Famin. The good news is that Famin won’t eat equipped items, and if she tries to eat rare weapons/armor (or if Shaw tries to dismantle rare weapons/armor) then the game will warn the player.

Victar’s Fanfiction Archive: https://www.vicfanfic.com
Featuring “Memories of an Overlord”, a Journey to Kreisia fanfiction novel

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Spoiler-free tips for Isekai Rondo – RPG Insanity (2025)
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