The Benefits of Outdoor Haircare: Tips for Healthy Locs in the Spring (2024)

The Benefits of Outdoor Haircare: Tips for Healthy Locs in the Spring (1)

As winter's chill fades away and spring's warmth envelops us, there's an irresistible allure to spending more time outdoors. However, as we bask in the sun's rays, it's crucial to consider the impact on our beloved locs.

Welcome to our guide on outdoor haircare and the key tips for maintaining healthy locs during the spring season.

While it's true that sunshine is a natural source of light, the impact it has on your hair isn't as harmless as it may seem. Like chemical treatments, the sun's rays can cause significant damage, affecting more than just the color of your hair. Exposure to sunlight weakens the protein structure of your locs, leading to dehydration and reduced elasticity, making them more prone to breakage.

Recognizing the potential harm sun exposure can cause and taking proactive steps to protect your hair from its effects is essential.

  1. Dryness and Brittle Hair - Prolonged exposure to UV rays can strip moisture from the hair, leading to dryness and brittleness in locs.
  2. Faded Color - Sun exposure can cause the color of locs to fade over time, particularly for individuals with dyed or naturally dark hair.
  3. Weakened Structure - UV rays can weaken the protein structure of the hair, making locs more susceptible to breakage and damage.
  4. Scalp Sensitivity - The scalp beneath the locs may become more sensitive to sun exposure, leading to irritation or sunburn if not adequately protected.

Protecting our locs from the sun is essential, but it's not just about slapping on some sunscreen. We've got some tricks up our sleeve, from choosing the right hairstyles to rocking stylish hats or scarves to keep those rays at bay.

And don't forget about your scalp! We'll chat about why it's crucial to use the right products to keep your scalp healthy and happy under the sun.

  1. Cover Up - Wear a hat, scarf, or head wrap to shield your locs from direct sunlight. (Find hair accessories here)
  2. Use Sunscreen - Apply sunscreen to your scalp and hair to protect against UV rays. Look for products specifically designed for hair protection.
  3. Stay Hydrated - Keep your locs moisturized to prevent dryness and brittleness caused by sun exposure. Use hydrating hair oils or leave-in conditioners. (Find hair moisturizing products here)
  4. Avoid Peak Sun Hours - Try to avoid spending prolonged periods in the sun during peak hours (usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.).
  5. Limit Heat Styling - Heat styling tools can further damage sun-exposed locs. Try to minimize their use during the spring months.
  6. Protective Styles - Consider wearing protective hairstyles such as braids or twists to shield your locs from direct sunlight.
  7. Stay Shaded - Whenever possible, seek shade to reduce direct exposure to UV rays.

By following these tips, you can help protect your locs from sun damage and keep them healthy and vibrant all spring!

As we step into the vibrant embrace of spring, let's ensure our locs are equipped to thrive in the sun-soaked days ahead. By implementing the tips outlined in this guide and utilizing Locsanity's range of hair care products, you can protect your locs and maintain their health and vibrancy throughout the spring season.

Remember, healthy hair begins with informed care and proactive protection, so embrace the sunshine while keeping your locs radiant and resilient!

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break; } } if(!tagFound) continue; } getAllRelevantQC({ rule: rule, variantId: variantId, productId: productId, collectionId: collectionId, qc_variants: qc_variants, qc_products: qc_products, qc_collections: qc_collections, qc_entireStore: qc_entireStore }, function(results){ log("results",results); var pushData = { variantId: variantId, productId: productId, collectionId: collectionId, customer_group: rule.customer_group, internal_name: rule.internal_name, default_quantity: rule.default_quantity, maximum_quantity: rule.maximum_quantity, minimum_quantity: rule.minimum_quantity, quantity_increment: rule.quantity_increment, applies_to: rule.applies_to, message: custom_message || rule.message, selector_for_individual_variant: rule.selector_for_individual_variant, minimum_quantity_method: rule.minimum_quantity_method }; if(results.type === "variants" && results.status === "approved"){ pushData.variants = rule.variants; qc_variants.push(pushData); } if(results.type === "products" && results.status === "approved"){ pushData.products = rule.products; 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} break; default: break; } } else{ collections_final = v; } } for(var iter = 0; iter < qc_entireStore.length; iter++){ var v = qc_entireStore[iter]; if( "undefined" !== typeof entireStore_final.customer_group ){ switch(v.customer_group){ case "tag_based": if(entireStore_final.customer_group != "tag_based"){ entireStore_final = v; } break; case "logged_in": if(entireStore_final.customer_group != "tag_based"){ entireStore_final = v; } break; case "all": if(entireStore_final.customer_group != "tag_based" && entireStore_final.customer_group != "logged_in"){ entireStore_final = v; } break; default: break; } } else{ entireStore_final = v; } } log("variants_final", variants_final); log("products_final", products_final); log("collections_final", collections_final); log("entireStore_final", entireStore_final); var quantity_controls = []; if("undefined" !== typeof variants_final.find(function(x){return x.applies_to})){ variants_final.forEach(function(_d,i){quantity_controls.push(_d);}); if("undefined" !== typeof products_final.applies_to){ quantity_controls.push(products_final); } } else if("undefined" !== typeof products_final.applies_to){ quantity_controls.push(products_final); } else if("undefined" !== typeof collections_final.applies_to){ quantity_controls.push(collections_final); } else if("undefined" !== typeof entireStore_final.applies_to){ quantity_controls.push(entireStore_final); } callback(null,{quantity_controls:quantity_controls}) } function getAllRelevantQC(data, callback){ var $jscomp$destructuring$var0 = data, rule = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.rule, qc_variants = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.qc_variants, qc_products = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.qc_products, qc_collections = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.qc_collections, qc_entireStore = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.qc_entireStore, variantId = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.variantId, productId = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.productId, collectionId = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.collectionId; var status = "rejected"; switch (rule.applies_to) { case "variants": if(variantId){ var find = rule.variants.findIndex(function(x){ return == variantId }); if(find > -1){ status = "approved"; } } else{ log("WAIO Warning!","Variant id not found for Quantity controller applies to variants","warning"); } if(productId){ var find = rule.variants.findIndex(function(x){ return x.product_id == productId }); if(find > -1){ status = "approved"; } } break; case "products": if(productId){ var find = rule.products.findIndex(function(x){ return == productId }); if(find > -1){ status = "approved"; } } else{ log("WAIO Warning!","Product id not found for Quantity controller applies to products","warning"); } if(variantId){ try{ for(var iter = 0; iter < rule.products.length; iter++){ var product = rule.products[iter]; var find = product.variants.findIndex(function(x){ return == variantId }); if(find > -1){ status = "approved"; break; } } }catch(e){log(e);} } break; case "collections": if(collectionId){ if(rule.collections.findIndex(function(x){return == collectionId }) > -1){ status = "approved"; } } else if(productId){ WSAIO.collectionsOfProduct(productId, function(collectionIds){ log("collectionIds",collectionIds); for(var iter = 0; iter < collectionIds.length; iter++){ var collId = collectionIds[iter]; if(rule.collections.findIndex(function(x){return == collId }) > -1){ status = "approved"; break; } } }); } else if(collection_handle == "all"){ if(qc_collections.length == 0){ status = "approved"; } log("WAIO message: All collections rendered!") } else{ log("WAIO message: Current collection's id not found!","warning") } break; case "entire_store": if(WSAIO.template !== "product"){ if(qc_collections.length === 0 && qc_products.length === 0 && qc_variants.length === 0){ status = "approved"; } } else{ if(qc_variants.length === 0){ status = "approved"; } } break; default: break; } callback({type:rule.applies_to,status:status}); } WSAIO.collectionsOfProduct = function (product_id, callback) { if (WSAIO.products_with_collections && WSAIO.products_with_collections.length) { var arr = WSAIO.products_with_collections.filter(function (x) { return x.product_id == product_id }); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(arr); } } else { if (typeof callback === "function") {// callback([]); } } } function quantityControls__cart(config, callback){// debugger; if("undefined"===typeof config)var config={}; null===config&&(config={}); var elementSelector = config.elementSelector || "[data-variant-id]"; var variantIdAttribute = config.variantIdAttribute || "data-variant-id"; var productIdAttribute = config.productIdAttribute || "data-product-id"; if($(elementSelector).length > 0){ $(elementSelector).each(function(e,a){ var $variantId = $(this).attr(variantIdAttribute); var $productId = $(this).attr(productIdAttribute); console.log($productId) config.variantId = $variantId; if($productId){ config.productId = $productId; } WSAIO.quantityController(config, function(e,quantity_controls){ if(e){ log(e); callback(e, null); } else{ callback(null, { quantity_controls: quantity_controls, elementSelector: "["+variantIdAttribute+"='"+$variantId+"']" }, null); } }); }); } else{// callback("elementSelector could not found any nodeElement. Config elementSelector for Quantity controller to work on cart template.", null); } } // End Quantity Controls functions if(!WSAIO.fetchCart){ WSAIO.fetchCart = function(b) { $.ajax({type:"GET", url:"/cart.js", cache:!1, dataType:"json", success:function(f) { var d = []; f && f.items && 0 < f.items.length && (f.items.forEach(function(e, c) { try { delete e.product_description, delete e.featured_image, delete e.url, delete e.options_with_values, delete e.variant_options, delete e.product_description; } catch (h) { k(h); } d.push(e); }), f.items = d); try { "undefined" === typeof window.waioMOC && (window.waioMOC = {}); "undefined" === typeof waioMOC.cart && (waioMOC.cart = {}); try { waioMOC.cart.item_count = f.item_count; } catch (e) { } } catch (e) { } "function" === typeof b && b(null, f); }, error:function(f) { "function" === typeof b && b(f, null); }}); }; } WSAIO.quantityController = function(config, callback){ if("undefined"===typeof config)var config={}; null===config&&(config={}); if(config.productHandle){ WSAIO.getProductByHandle(config.productHandle, function(e,product){ if(product){ config.productId =; if(!config.variantId){ try{ config.variantId = product.variants[0].id; }catch(e){log(e)} } } quantity_controller(config, callback); }); } else{ quantity_controller(config, callback); } }// WSAIO.cartQuantityController = function(config,callback){// console.log("config",config);// quantityControls__cart(config,callback)// } WSAIO.loginLink = function() { if(window.wholesale_signup_link_on_login_page == 'replace'){ $('a[href="/account/register"]').hide(); if($('.wsaio_form').length == 0){ $('a[href="/account/register"]').after('Create wholesale account');} var NewSignupPageLink = window.create_wholesale_account_link; if(document.querySelector('a[href*="/account/register"]') != null){ try { document.querySelectorAll('a[href*="/account/register"]').forEach(function(element,i){ element.addEventListener("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); window.location.href = NewSignupPageLink; }); }); } catch (e) {} } if(window.location.pathname == "/account/register"){ window.location.href = NewSignupPageLink; } } else if( window.wholesale_signup_link_on_login_page == 'append'){ if($('.wsaio_form').length == 0){ $('a[href="/account/register"]').after('
Create wholesale account');} } } WSAIO.disableCheckout(); WSAIO.order_control(); WSAIO.loginLink(); }; } else{ console.error("WSAIO is not defined. Either app is in test mode or disabled"); }
The Benefits of Outdoor Haircare: Tips for Healthy Locs in the Spring (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.