The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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MAin 4500 foe Jext Days lsue Received Loti! Midnight nend: wife of li Lawrcace Lhurcn at luuii11 A liln is raser Hazel and riends I uneral '9PX unu CAVVVl OdU tklra Screw2iio E75 AutolLKNIlLRh burn and touclvup man: I it a health dot pene SlOO SloO week? Xm la Pufi a rn 'L him study man Mrs Bros ana mnn cutaway ir ni lieidcloff and Peter Ave iredav a at her late 1 nr lixjth St riends may call CR1 ENTERS Steady work uneral service Mlles llourlv tundy enter and! nfriiGnd UP JOithfTHrtirr or um fl i i LI 49 JU ur Hiilurcsl i LOWERS el 9'JOU IT! nrt titu intidf laui vi i i cii i itxii at her home in Wada Edward hran hcn ia Inst Tharnon i and ruby jj ASlUUNu And Box Call ga i KMds tian fall ia is tn i tu I guaronfrci 5 Iroryrixv srv lines rhTfm l'brr 'acTWnTan'T puhlir: l0111 men college training: some experience JX'IAN Llc fyr53em clearing public expenenro MA KHj I mwl now may call at the Pamhk unerM 7 xk 1 eastern nntn XU? 14th St until 13 nvn AW: HHurU ht uro vTcvf a xT nr WWlAIRc RAT WHY WE SAY By Stan Collins and Llovd Slawson WELSH RABBIT rs TLnA'XS cleaned EXPERT savTr 121ft St best setup T'zn KE i wsn SfThaniral experienced pro 1 hrwt station Intr 'Sehti i not a rhbit it all but ncr tn bread and rhec toaOcd topcthc it reeonab? 45 i origin diva rare bit and a slurred into rabbit 1 uneral Rosary and th? brother nephew River Dr riends i mi gold 11 rMni! mediati Mrle betoved wife of Eranx jpi Mrs Lima Muekeniieim EXPERT lyr ew A I'kMl XT oA Th ko ri idj drive? floor fcUa'jnf ak i Ai rJ ux rmov'ng or Rnr 5X1 1 March 3 7 TIIOM is: T1TE HGL RED RY wife nf tne Mnrtp dauRhter of Mrs Marcoret of Ilham: residence 910 Tvltfh IwvtsvXsr Richman J2i( sum money valu near tarter Home 1320J sister nf Edman Thursday March G2I0 Tutner HE 11 So Carneeiei must have license IS years vaineKtci cq rirtri mr rain' rm uij tciniijE nianL miotih Quality aUry ornw ufl waatune ani weftk i rUxierln an It you want lhe truth about vour hair and scalo disorder call Lt vr1 nrw 1 kujik re? estimate Auu wnrmwotK wahr KniiaTIranina with car tervfa dy cnmmtsMon 2k lyu i in furniture irxd: commu AH'LA dormanthad? trrw K11? KSll fcANRs Ol'ND'I'H clean up laborer: flu'p a III OAv II'JUI steattvMach dv Inc 3135 o6 Denver CnL Mr Hannah land SL Kindly I in in xi ir 1 1 i mil i i LED rriaiir rar BOX 1'1X71 UNJUC TOPS ltc rvs v'i I tor ever nd Invalied rrmrv ite trie GMSkC Knltiin nu prvo rrwi ru jtnlfura mnrj pr carp 'Tr woik irw Rt isher 72: crane nirl' ALMMiiH ludtth trglnii darling dausn I ti wi beloved husband I he late Maude father of Mrs Lillian wiklo grandfather of Carol 7 Vnelkle brother ot Mrs audits George and albert suddenly Wednesday Miwani cocnran bon ru u37 Hohndcn Av? where Home 23j7 Holmden Ave wnere serv ices whl be held Saturday March lo at 4 TiA'pvrGTr'ik rraicr rn met time War iW'KKEP riki A TO mechanics? A reTeren equipment: permanent: hourly Wonder Bakery 11434 Superior denor lift Carroll riends received at Home 11130 Euclid day at 3 uneral Home St Clair noth St Services at St Church Monday March 17 hrnrye: hmirfv rufa 1m Addison Rdk XTWSBArER rlaShiGed man Air rnaema dept must he producer Writs Hi REPAIR all tps kvher JLxtndon Gimwrt cn low bid PeL Quality mg les vaj ir beloved husband of jr Kranniainer raodaniis JO11 4'd St riend may call at eTer nnmi Kra where services will be held Mrn Marrn 17 at 9 a and Our of (rood Counsel Church at 4:30 Robert Kacirek funeral director Hl IV I 1 A 1 1 Mtiinskv sino lam1 Mt is iinir nw Rose Kaufman ircinia husband of BOX fpitu hoeh ht Gertrude Chart? uneral lam st nanus HI El HE 3fif) UMllnl mkn rjH Xe r17Kf fart time hour? rale De Jnvrwny MmnMg wall and IV Inn T'dV wcjVh? tinning Sllfl CJ In stock Instrument Sm IK "'r nrl rt'RI'H l'l otr nuu rir Service (leaner I work: ovritim? hnurlv 1 at 3 31 Dl: Wiillfun 11 C9 ynrs small toy of th? late Aniin Mrs Ruth Jarmon and grandmother Umc: g'Hwi a 701 Dollenhauffh Joseph: mother of grandmother of rail at Della Ja 0021 Edna Ave VI ire i 1 I Interment Lak? View cemetery beloved mother of Ebner Li Mrs Alice 1 nursaay nr irT pen ph' JY Xv'v ompt vrvjre LO 9ui 1 i i i 1 I'fti werrx i i prd TAI' RILE CETa PROTECTOR Two ceilini bnok projector nr chines tor ue of patients at Crile Veterans Administration Hospital will be presented tomorrow rftcr noon by the Summit ziixil i lary of Veterans ot orctSn Wars1 and the Purple Heart Auxiliary of Akron The ceremony at 2:15 will take place in the library and the gift will be acknowledged by Miss Dorothy Smith librarian according to Mrs Jeanette Erode ot Parma Crile chairman of the i Auxiliary I car aulnry commission 1313 a an sTL Annnrlntilv Pfne icft Axe rrriisMH? i JIJ DRi clanmff nlnnt i 1 1 1 3sal? I 1 unusually fme workinr conditions and packer I icninuill LWl ETI: Wdiiatn beloved husband ot corneiia tnee Keideb father ot Mrs Evelyn Burnette: grandfather of Carol brother of Mrs Anna sla ter Walter the late Jennie Rayner George and Leonard Wednesday TrPrwl Hnmg bet vices ill be held baturday March Xa at 3 Set Woodland SAM lb hA' uiHZlmig rf In it i'i? all Tu uin IXm)R sanbd finished decreased waxed: estlm itr ft RellsMe jour Mtm r'n EX Tufio cvrs XV M45 I LLXAt I I VXIMt liEI Kill HGIXS: riHabeth residency 290 lMjih st beloved wile of the late Joseph sister of Anna Higgins and Lena Reynolds riends may call at the Jnmston uneral Home L314 Macauiey Ave corner 152d St and Lake Shore Ltvd Services from st Jerome Church Monday at a nry late residence 10122 Lo oennea nusoanu or aiary nee brother of Margaret Seavers Hover Helen hates and riends received at Corrigan Ian AVH AT YV dxhi metal Monday March 17 St Ig khurch at 11 a mother of Mrs Virginia an i grandmother Enendi te at Marxen uneral Home 1S02 toetween Housn ana ku Monday March 17 at iur and Mnicryn Maresh TJX 4 1 11 a 4 lr Nmbcrger and Mrs Mary ai i scii W4 suddenly Marin ca' hufne ojl hroaau iy UMior ire services will he held mda Ave riends may call at Charles MrL boutn? ns 1'737 Hd Av? where services will be held baturdav March hiishanH nt brother of Elmer of riends mav call at nx4i Ct nri'Aiic New and uM: fs rod and oj on Mment vc ft day stn? furnare tom dov honest work manship: fjir oners: prion? today MGERVEY LRNACE Mrs Magdalene Wng Mi' Kalhrvn vor and giandmother of GvpT' nhn PcTau av if Clrindir rzterv mn foundry hourly rate Plant ir Standard Ahuj'x l67dCOilamer Rd nNMNG ana roofing helper steady yes' round work for right man: hourly ntt nn rt caarfv 17 Dealer TPl Also inside vjorg gpo ferial handling? hourly Co 2H1J x)th Ttnm uth npratar? Exbrjrnced plumoms brass goods: mere time Royal Brflss 1 12H 4 3 7 A I LtJkT Exrk'rTt nceti hourly ta Liberty Cleaners Ave TlLfvsetters mustTe expeneneea: placer Mt el tiie Superior The cabinet cv b714 Carnegie Ave TTME Study Man leas: 1 lent ianoara data: salary gl 1 1 1 LME Miiuy manl Salary and ve Addrtjiaph Multigiupn ijijQ Babtyi TThjL Cfib attendant reliablernan Eriem ed on toolroom small ast oide hourly rate oveilime Rs: 13375 Plain Dealer mVjL engineer experienced metal cutiCs toou mfr: to travel: state Box 2373 Main Dealer moi her of koso milv Upetnumv william Mever and lann uestawav ir Schwarz: Thursday a rtirtnr vv i at toe Charles A Mandley uneral Home Lvlhi) Tnskett Rd at Lorain Ave where services will be held Satur day March at 2 encTxi: day week hourly rate dray Drugstores Inc 24nOSuperlnr Ave SlOTn selectors: 24 and 3d shifts: nig bonus gorjd hourly rale Box Pi tin Dea i er SlRLCdLRAL and concrete designers taller uipuig hourly rate part timeno Design Service frX tH4B RaL designers 3rafLsmr ni Iv tkixs huutiy rate Austin co 16112 Euclid GL 54110 SURACE grinder: (lose precision gaiuT ing fixiures steady wage to fit ability El nf plvitograpnir lights in case lost on1 Ontario 31: reward Photneranric Lah iratirics 1250 Ontario 2d floor Cl(l son Catherine Snort Sister Alovse 5 Peter harles and Josephine iranatatner Brother 01 wn trans ana me jaie lruni roz oivol at uneral Home Lorain Ave Uftth at uneral Monday Stephen hutch 10 1 beloved husband of rather of Mrs Thomas Boyd Hardy suddenly at ms si Ave Painesville the De and uneral Ave services situr MEXg Pin 550 week BO 734X VOL NG man: Experienced de ottMUtv Uext Side AC I mi'We for farm work: alan Phen? oiumbia Statjnn JMl HEL SALESMEN 6hto uphuM' TaILOR: Experienced alterations 7n ladies suits coats: houtlv rate U'r IiS1 ML I nc I jin EuclidA ve TAnR piesNer ull or pa rl timet an salary Dry Cleaning 102 Lora Ave CL L52Q TAILOR: or dry cleaning plant: good hourly rate oiman C'leane bJJii Walworth Ave W() TluQ TAILOR xpenencf salary Apph nr sent id Scars Kifil Carn ir Thomas Laura DemmingMargaret A iknry Carol Nelson Jean Monteagle Viremia A Npff Pa tricia ohann and the late Llta Wal lingford riends may call at the Charles A Mandley uneral Hnme 154u "rlskcit Rd at Lraln Ave wnere serv ices will he held Munday March 17 at UNERAL DIRECTORS WALTER RAMEL CO Successor io rank Patterson CE QH70 CE 157? ARE! A SON'S 1 317 Euclid corner Shaw 11 pwii lA'33Euclk1 near Shaw GLGtil da i Els funkr Detroit BOulevard "ll'l MV) tmn work 4 shift: hourly rat? Marhmn oundry In? 31 Vi il learners: haxe rate hnnux The wi i irai Mg oundry Div Rexacmer 1 LI SEXIER vreratui LeaPrs ana hourly piernvwk: rrnn mn ly rate Mwt Um rge 4 Ulr IV 3im Var EIlTilrR cpTnien over phs able load and umnod merchandise Jt rminal a mouse 1310 9 VA Hldl fVAN fi n'ltuuy xhiwr: hourly Ohio Hpe ttt 'viM Ht trie vanu uncrai Home 11130 Euclid Ave Services Saturdayp 1 1 nnm nn nnsnann of uneral services fiom tn? Deutvh uneral Home 1 I'd craw turd vtonaay natch Grnrte hcLriHi nf Alice: father of Richard brother of Harry red Paul Mis kmnu Witt Mrs Lillian Barnes and Mrs Ella Epp It and 1he late Willwm: passed on fti the late rf'ldcnce 11RJ Ave Smith Euclid Wednesday riends may rail at Dodges uneral lb'me i Havdm Aw nrnpr nt vimi tvr GR EL I ING rvfc es will he held Monday March 17 at 3 neioveci wire or Roy Is StaUcr Youngs James Wilsnn Cnlumhus Miehrner hrthealr Bkinkcls and double casket spraii on notice SHAW BALTIC VWMi Camegie 12310 Suwnor tai! RA 7 charge at counts Invited open eves We ranh flower A I 1 14 1 1 class: pigii I AA 4 Ji 1 O' IJ I Iiraii mituiu eiouic jn A Ton! A LDERS: Permanent mnM nrwrators I PbamM sei vircl and repaired WO HELP MALI Continued font HrCrJiiif ilumn) AvTCV washer and e'' equlp ment salary Jack Whelan Motors Inc May field Rd ER 2Ux) ftl AlK Mr 4 tnee VitaiPh Idnt lin Pi beiuved wife of Joseph: daugh ter of Anthony sister ot lank Mis rancos Paluch monic Mrs Luc 'laiiiuin uu ue 'rw ii riends may call at A Conti 14 uneral Home 2110 Murray uneral services Saturday Marcw 1947 Holy Rosary Church 9:30 a Interment Lake iew Cemetery ftiHXAiht Halter beloved husband of the irtte luciHe tnee Lher: son of aro line and the late Uenrv brother ot Mrs Edltn Gase and Arthur bchnackc ri day 1 riends may call at rank Kovar uneral Home AMb ulton Rd where services will be held Mondavfarch 17 at 2 0 Member of Amer ican Legion Brooklyn Post No 2b fthbl11 Lawrence brother of Michael the late Pt ter James Thomas and Ed ward: residence 30h3 llJth riday March 11 1917 riends may call at McGorrav Bros Lakewood Hotne Iliad Detroit uneral services Mondav March 17 st Ignatius hurch at 10 a ni 1X1 JnuH son of Michael ite ilomena inee Dusanto) or fail Mrs Carrie Simielc and of Mr and Mrs rank Amico received at itantonio New Home Murray Hill Rd Monday at 10 a from Holy JA1 ajpKrim nt rin i ri ijnd territory: rommlkw! Wr'te Co Akiva II Vc a Jp ram Ave wlvr? service will held SMtirdey March at 3 Li lumo beloved husband nf the litv TaPiui Ince Jarrett 1: father Wesley Daniel A Spencer James ji iauru 1 lemming 'x ruin't'v raft tcK N'l cfda: vt in JNinimrjre Udg IN sTfin Nat wmah' ma i nrcJ pi rwljv QO A WwD lust and aur St Clair 1 jxim 12 operators 4 snmaie I rnlrnl Avn TT I prrrv wiin iivuw 1 I ij iacr itnRii 1 i uir ai''roigttv'o nurctMi i rvafi High h'uHv Zte ur trl i rAjn MA i4i air napman an wutn license good rommissinn' ex rTkTsI BkTIURdantTalary com Ruhljny ie' trie Mfg 1 wi An ir EVlA mission Write experience etc Box Must do A excellent sal ihEAL estate salesmen or brokers: i 123 Plain Dealer vneralor: Experienced 2d shift I 1 7 Lorain mission: hot srt romer See Jack Trary CfiVirT pood jiirly rat honu overtime A illAND screw Hourly rule niim 10914 Lorain Ave te rnn umauc rout A2U REALTY salesman licensed commit VlCTNrgTaachi mehhah Jo Smuh 1954 f) ino 1 iraiiy and have car S7u week 1 rw aim lain i'eaivi I so la iuld 1 uJir Rrf rlcer a TI 1 mnn llnm lt 1 4 I im err fWT TS fS 2T 7vr 1 923 53 PrunmjliP Trv) rn 1011 I intk Trracsi irih iruminw i 1 RTOlt artist Mprhanfcanildstrq no a ctr A nvB erT? nvruTi X' lvuil'l ICA' flic kM cv jvnrt1rrU i A I saiaiy uinininflore Dress Suit 440 uan i enceo nouny rate ivaiiona loci to ludil Ave nrXb i lr'n JJ ips 11200 Midmn wstun town nuur nrun 1 ne itoyaj launrs 2hUoi rnry screw iToauris Almira av exp rieri i BThCt: Hornet lure 1 iron XrniW iwq narizng 2 MtJ wihkf good hourly rat bonus overtime A Hecker Co 710ft Euclid I LAR VPrtlral Irirrot bflv I JtHMrV immnj i I a 11W1 i Mi Up nU J1 SUI TVS Pem1LP LrLL UI W6 1 Wl nd iumMi RTT' fnsJLMAN 4iest position oO huur week hourly rate tmcis lnnts cBJfrj SHEET mtal mechanic: industrial vlfVj union wages lhe Royal Tailors 2fi05i erry Screw Products 219 Almira Ave I riLt tttv only saar' Ml sheet metal work hourly rate Sheet PejuiLtriadis 5jt St at Woodland Ave I HKArfvHrn 4fib2 Metal Products Co 1390 170th 7oLMAKERS: Steady work: good I pfp l(l Kn I I rSl 1 nuniMfin r' i uayw oK: no stin safarv iin give aetaus ana sei uu avsireu lxjx uifei aut i meiai worKers: nign nouny ra ei ano rommissinn invisn pjBmnvu't 1TO61 num niOr 1 'ne own aauy except sat Lrnr a tn dativ mpmh 7 tlti A X'TrTL 'T ii ftci 'V at National Rrrnw Jh Mfff 7t 1 r' I II U(AIM 4 I (K)V Wk vri A fT trt Tfr i a sum nmw taw nu 1 umviiuw uL viatui pntu a 1 iy 12K5 70 Xv fijtr riam der nm marid ai um 'iumiiy inv twxscmer kt't Ie KM S'luezcT Muw I loor dart Hoffman) vui A Elwiric Rrwef xean'nfi Lne Installed free pi'lniati nrk ruarnnfrot kz not water ronix HE T'Ml sftep 1 iVtt X'ENiajTi ar com awntnr MA hithinH nt hrnthar nf Jan William and Vnasnn alk (1 at Thomas uneral Services Saturday Infen PR Tirti after 11 Vrirg aggress ve: rruH ore tr'n SUI'T? Nadf vARforn av? 1 inner and PhiPp jr rirm u' nr vv i in jji unuj noon Sunday then at St Grorge 1 I i in Mnn xiartiaaf nnr ji rt 11 nnnnv ah TO p1 nc'O the Old Srnne Church Monday March I 1 ne bite Klien A eliln rt I ushihmwii 1 iT iviiiiA uiity mil hi the Stroud Sons uneral Home Chagrin ails when srnu i will be held Saturday March nt 2 Hitftl kN: Anthony husband nf the late Margaret Kcnrnsi father of Iva and the late Hugh: brother of Mrs Annie Brien Mrs Mary Cohan Mrs Margaret Harding Mrs arah Dunlap Mrs cathrnne Ryder the bite Mrs Delta Garretv Mrs Harrison and Michael residcn 1201 Elbtir Aw frntiv Mairh 11 riends mav rdll at McGorray Bros Lakewood Home 1 H33 Deti'Ul Ave uneral services 7 Heyday March lx St Luk? 8 (huini 'Bunts ami Clifton at 10 a flower ITCHIIl: l'Tfa of 3rG 9Uh St: wife of the Charles: mother of the Olive Inker grandmother nf Mu Audrey Quay Thursday afterne' riends may rah at th? Gro Lans Kroie inee Mthnsky) be pnn At ppvnrnrt mninpr hckivcd daughter nf Mrs Anna Muinskv sister of Paul Milins Mnirts Jaek and Harry Mills Mrs Ida Madile Mrs Myrtle Gnrhrlng Mrs Betty Nolan Mrs Ruse Kaufman Mrs Edith Kaimus Viremia and grand mother residence 3n7 St Services at Berkowitz A sons Inc neral Chapel bld Itkith bt Sunday Marcn lb at 1 klKMODE: John ac? 0 years: beloved luuhand of Sylvia: father of Mrs Mar garet Bowie Ellen Edwin Glenn and grandfather riends may call at the Reed Co uneral Home hagrm alls where services will be Sunday March Io at 3 it uanei lainer ot ran mia Alice Thomas: residence lends mav rail loine HELP MALE t'RESSMAN nu llyH highest Ihour rM Printing Co 44C0 guch RESft operator and laborer: 24 shift ll30 nourly rate 40 hours Dick eW irablcr l(Xkf2 Madison 7ic UpPIc Box 17271 pd iSMfcJx Conitnal i ly HELP WANTED HELP MAU SALESMEN Experienced retail jUTog S'RAY painter: 1st duft good noixrly rate salary and commission car required Mr lox 23a3 Plain Dealer tdhns EN I sQCLETzE molders gcwl SALESMAN: Experienced for siore flx hourly rale ana piecework SchnHIer lures: salary plus commission 102t Aluminum 3n) ri7th DI 3535 penor Ave rABLrnah: To assist private gALfS5TA Learn heating and air ron experu nteo anu good rider: good salary ditinnln' business: 7n szuary short Box 42 Gates Mills training period 17o3 25 I S3 AliEkMA White: salary CavaLS SALESMAN: Auto accessories experienced I kiJinfc A aiicmy 2 xk) 130 out of town commission 100UJ bt cUir STATIONERY stock man: includes AT Aye dressograpn Muluhlh buying supplies' SALESMAN to sell radios and appl1nnces AdlaiyBox I1lbo Plain Dealer salary Applyeves 10Q Euclid Av? Si ENuGRaHIER: A good opportune? SALES mgr: Cleveland: national adver i tor a single veteran salary Call Mr ti'M specialty item: ability to earn bvdlak Dl 25QQ plus bonus Box 1237 lam SKAK men for drug warehouse exnerT i SALESMANAGER: Local xchod: nerma i nent: experience: references: salary rommtssion Box Sft69 Plain Dealer SALSMEN Earn over top commit smn: Rogers silver unlimited merchan dise: best deal Morgan 1qS Onktrin iilnmnl Urrn 1 L'noltd where services ill be held Sat Mar 1i at '2 in I nee McaddetD he witfi of Jerome motner Mh Pa1 kamn: Wednesday at her home in Wads 1 '1" ti I AiNTNG Piicthiri Iz it'" It i i kj rupii! 3 UCUMf wsu rinpfli: 1 lA'iiNG HmjH wsllt wetd rti IT years' exigence PR RNTTI RE salesman: Retail store ex perience 4iood salary bonus bchwariz urniture ixh Broadwajr GARAGE mechanic: Truck experience hourly rate Mr Chapman MA MM GAS station attendant full time: hourly rd? 17j South Taylor Rd Cleveland JJeiahts GAS sf? ion alTendanti: hourly rate 4S7II7 nv rU rt I 1 a a 0 TlkmRuOm milling machine operator Experienced 2i shift hnus zt (ijy ti A TTOLi rep res ta live iis rontncl oanks s'try siaie saia: Ana and penalre cxper unrp 190 I A 'oRnMrd irinwr rvrr 4 T17 'VrJ 11 nnp? I 1 i off ma a ge Salary and com i sion: state experience and reference Jiox 1 i'HI Plain Dealer we have 1 (Oj squares TURRET lathe nwiatori Johns ManviLo asbe uh hourly rat? working vr l'jj Lt iiti eji ntsnuinnu I LliAr LZf If I ft iurA rr leamm "i JOij Want g'larfttifearl rtn a 1 4 write (WAiElBlkV nut Cmt operate? WLIJVER pmenred: hourly rate NMior wr wi otpql I 7 'tn ht st tcir smii i i' i 1Lj Home of fir? and dry nht bun' r'in Wire Co Ml Wt VaiTT'l WELDERS: Elerinc arc: riredv BROWN iouj hourly rate Thomson Pi' AH RING pantmg: Expert woik guar Av ww laics Prompt service rii ir jift nurnere and titter UHiie appiy ai oion lslJ lllub ln LAPUHIIILU ana able tn estimate: salary and oom 1 nuu tr nin'i'iirxix main ueaier I) Zimmerman Co iPHOJECT sr Aircraft ViTrVr 1 i cnee college giaduate xalary lr "iw larue lailorl I neunuaic Tool Co 37H1 77fh B1Ve de'ils PVNCfT lo'Ss 6tSJrTsl shift ifec TtouKi vt19 Co 1 hnlirv tn 1 nixr nn Jwl Citai A trro i pt Nt Ji press operator: ExreripneeTsman iTS gf urJy ide iau avail! IHX1 AOJ3 Sl i'innv onvou IfifjO WINDOW Cleaners 21: wail paper araning: expenrr I 44 1 It UlJu eS as? tnp nr? Crokek beloved lute Albert: mother of William and grandmother roKe: sister 7th St Monreal Av? at Philin Neri at 0 a i Inna YrfilzM atrn Rl: iieloved wife of lhe late William sis ter of Jeremy aunt of Nnla Wridp man Now at the Davis Hume for nerals Berea wnere services will be heldMndav March 17 2kMI Burial nvsvme WHHGEM1 TH: Annin JI residence 2115 Lvnnnx lid beloved husband of Jessie: father nt tty brother of Harry nf vtih 'tian Klein Services at leve MrmnriaL sucjid av? Snnriiiv Mairh 1A a V4 Xt 1 4 Jndly omit flowers kndS sendee yvam LnxlIH Ciatr PR 1MR Mimin' bviiMed nwwhr ir Hrrv r' Mvhie Gertrude Tinker Anna paved away riday March ence InL Blossom Parkv all 4 th iv VT 'U? home Lxllo Detroit Ave Notice later AhRO beloved son of the late Amvb iw vwu brutner ot Vuirv uat nik rances Novak Tdiie Star105 Net Gc imperman and Ernest: suddenly: f'fris miy cail al the residence xo' MAh St services saturoay March 4J liUkU Qi 1 1 uLsn 4i 1 Crebuvn Mrs Anna sapp passea away Wednesday Murrii 12 at the Hail resmenee 24736 West Lake Rd Bay VU U4f riends mty call at the saxion uneral home I'is Detroit Ave where aenicex Mb be held Saturday March lo at 2 Hi LtR: iuy husband of the late xiTnm brother 01 Mu Lucretia Rich ardaon Mrs Charles Patterson Joseph anu Arthur Batchelor: Wednesday March 12 1947 residence 391! Bluestone Rd Jr tends may call at Lftarles Meloourne Noti" Home Euclid Ave untu a Saturday services ard interment Corning Sunday SMi Claude bclrwod husoard of varrie tatner of lairne Richard ana ana grandfather: brother of Earl ilemence ana Robert residence 10S20 Lns ton Ave riends may call at Thomas uneral Home Mites service Munday March 17 at I'll I 1 3llk TV IW fil vhe! uiee Geiger father of red Lliftord grandfather and ereat indfather residence Westlake Hotel riends may call at the Daniels uneral Home losoO Detroit Ave where serv ices will be hetd Monaay March 17 at 2 Hhn Uayne beloved husband ot uUru lather ot Mrs Virginia Hays: brother of Richard Mrs Mildred Eid man Mrs Beatrice HerbKcrsman neral services from the Juv Parrh neral Home 13613 Euclid Ave Saturday 1:00 pm CAVNOX: logan of 167 St loved husband of Jennie: brother of Richard Mrs Aduie Carr and Ida: passed away March 13 rionas may call at rhe Tied Grosse temmriz East cvide uneral Home 1546 SMh 6 where services will be held Saturday Ke ocnaizi 1 UPPO a CGTii'MAkfTO wo? king ronditlnns Anchor 'uun 1 ym' nd Rd Bedford si Sid full ar part time iTRan rnpaTs um mt TnrfHU 1 1 ruiin iJ Mr' I i 1 Eft I1 cis 'fta 1 woAr Zipgler Mark 12124 Si manor a lUhft 1st 7 I ai I I 4 alarv Heights prefer 1 jx Ktruman Rd Pxr Hur earner T)ik Imt zn srrvxd equivalent: refer" Ho 4Wl PKn I AM lau clean disinfect loiki honrb 50 BOYS and 4IH4 to help community drive good rommis'dem mil jo Upn a mxngr sarpiwirn rop aalary mca Xte MLN for inside vneraTwurlc bounv i my ami in West Sde arvnin Co ClfVUAO bCALER AU SAftRSAY DEATH NOTICES MAllllNlT slvfp atif tn a sirimcnl Hough MA' HD 1 ph mi nn I'rvs rctwir uwV i i her Body 1 PMh Cmt LJ rna fi in tTii Nation tdlmu experience small shop aaiarv 1 11V 11AJI nrpT IsGp rm rTTTShamG hourly rat? Ainrrv 'in hhlobuildtng Gu 440 TlNfSTb mari'lne nr reji i and assembly: 2d shift hourly National 1237 74th STA' HINTls 13 to budd mJ maTn'7ln newperi4l marhmva: tdxh hourly rate Mw iay tli My VJJ HlNfS 1 1 rm nd rrin: houriy rat and working nnnonx t'wrrn lriruTnni Hough A'f All At a pro t'o cteried sMary Dj3 Babbitt Rd mi MALVTLfTANGH man "VaTtrc Clvrirfc welqing hovriy ra: Mf Co Via fnrgirg jh training Ton (S Wi a I irnter reuwM Ri uok auaramcMl owrk Can for WixiL Pox4wn gcMri hourly ra' here MEN ExpcrirnrodT in tlran: ue Mlnrv rommi Sk arr Cnw? rnrr I 0te VM butler Yi ri7x Man for mi mt er for co*k: tul time rv kflb mgr A C(l I Lr tor adult fams woman nuw he gf twx Jmv' itetaD to ram ar an 1 Rocky River or la vicinity of Lincoln Thpatpr ond rauaril I dence 10711 Churchill Ave wAtn! lost: Lonuine oink cnLi reived at the De Vand leather strap: between 6 ft oni rau rl Ci A1TQ affair I VVTIeELKa ROVriosl with TuHm in? pevveen hu ye ana iaivary iemi 1 HELP MALE CNGIlx LERS StationirY'i Hourly fare7 Apply Independence Rd (under Clark Pershmg Bridge) Republic Styel Co SilMATOi tools dies gases and ma Juneiy salary Lhot 'iunn shor and CsTbPaR 202 I i Vfrih LMblAruR (jneiai contai tor make hourly rat isher Body Co KJih complete quantity surveys: detail expert rnd Gnh Rd 17 mi vT'iVVr'i to av JXmi rl re 1 u' itfte5 'KrV hourly ru foi Jci xS17 rU''d IMPG l7n a pT nllUI Art' I teti 1 Dol riHrSl'lt ULLMAN Licensed West hand tiring: Sicily good hourly Zimmerman Co i Ires will he held Munday March 17 Hl HiSr rlh if and Wilham I 1'117 rciciflMif'o 1 (lends iv call at hart Melbourne ft rttuii AV0 town I I and Mrs Earl BarRiw ort Laud' rdale I la Wednesday furincr infnrma iwn fail MrkPIti At Si'tr tnma I Ri'lsRTnX: MH behind pf nrien ninn GPitru Knhfrion and he late Jain A Rolerton: aunt of Donald Rorx rtson Dorothy and Rnh Ruth: suddenly 11 at late I'ncp Jiwi 'Cd st mav call' tie Ynime uneral Home inH6 wNre xeivir SaMmiiy March 13 at 3 iai? jjuu 'V 'P un i nr ana gnu man: hotir days a Drive fn 4 MaTivki ME(HAMrs: Truck Rd HE EV client winking rond' Hona Vjxjeh man veteran HAU: Grorue beloved husband nf Minnie (nee bavacej lather of Mrs Keyes Lorain Dorothy Stcvel Clearwater la and Richard stevel of Detroit Mich: uncle of Mrs Belle Moul ton and Arthur Steve: of Elyria passed away Sunday March 9 at his nome on South Highland Rd Clearwater la ormerly of lvna Services wdl be held st Tailor uneral Home 2d Street Elyria on Monday March 17 at 1 II I I I if 4 4 1 kA1 a ft rf TzV rt mother of Harry and grand 1 mother Indav March late resi dence 347 Norihcllff Rd levelahd Heights riends mav call at the Young Loebler uneral Home luib St vui oe neta vionoay helnVfH mmhar nt Kathryn Xander of Columbus C) Isabel Btszsntz nf Mrs Xiinmi 1 Rncrnrc and Varl of Lakewood an John of Sandusky: grandmother of Robert Thomas Xander of Mansfield Mrs Kathryn Louise Kelsrh of Lakewood and Richard harles Biszantz of Pasadena: sister of Mrs Effie smith and Willis oster of Springfield: residence 11716 Lake Ave riends received at Kianke uneral Par lors 1jo29 Detroit Ave Lakewood where sen ices wid be held Saturday March lo at 3 I 1GIIE: rg? beloved husband of CAkr "Tak lArnnftn A ithnr nf Mro Trhr timl ann ntmv iiv ya av ij i lain ij minifK Mrs 1 uiltin San flmon if vnvr i 1VU jprlpn(Vrt hXWi mi nt ii i a I i Kiinprr ann ucarn 1 nnnr i Si 1 mpn npcc apo RA 3416 A Hecker 7100 urii I urL a Mountraslle Hofei brake punch press at the residence 13931 Clifton Blvd Itt Ae 1 Belmont tfUl Euclid i rat? Truck vices Monday St I Church at GAN AS RS Live wires 50 deal on IOrEL rook A restaurant gMisaiary rrii'cEr 4 1: I Par Urnj Van til la Uidino' Hr 1 A tinl in lwrit I rvl zn Vl'n 1 SP 1 1f tl Jy high 701 1 CH I I 51 it nwl Lipm'il 'n IWeHIWm non? I valdn an (leaning 3nth and nrfc not rwiulted ormweld Mfg i lY Colt Ave East ev? and mi Miven i uajriv tt i i rjJLUUunjtj jeu HSKctt Rd rxIwrcnre hourly iivi repieseniative: Air condition managing dept must he producer Wrif ma experienced rir: salary Ad ver Using Mar Ixuain Journal I ho 33) i jin Dealer run DlsliA4hTR Salary pMim and boarT fm inager for large downtown hotel ''v? flnrl to "nr salary Call Mr Schlesinger iDpATsAifN (D cxwricnrodrmeJRTnr 4 Side GL 3W ore operaTrT 2d i ffT Llar: night bonwi: hourly rat Box i i rft dnubl? gold band vh'iniiy 9th or 1th end pet re1 b' an RA 1152 risT wntd Iioil Lady's vvite A Reward trt ng pves ME 4041 Tl' gold 2 dia nion please DOGS 1'wt Hounds: male and fem'ib1: March 6 from Ouinrv: re VTf) Bdljj ilcu eves GA ixThmre hourly Mcp Erie Welding 4 Vii? Rm kwep CTJ5tMrR( IATT" Experienced steady year work Ounarf MMnr Iler Cu JnL jrin a CTiMIXtrrORstunman' BKnfTnuHy rtn' or nno iur nrtvew ir yj inn 6 Imi or more kpreel (id xtnd sUgai ir o(1 hourly rate Jin Cn vti rHd 1 UNCRTK UOUK ALL 11 wntk aj rvuuii'j unucr om ceivrd vrawlord Ru did1 bervic 2 ks 1 Ik? hr Rose lather of Joseph nf Roberta and David A Huesrh unerai day Lady a fhce GesiertL beloved i iuviitc 1 ruKrne I xsert residence 4(il Thursday March 13' riends mav rail at Metjorray TJc0ivnrtri Ilnnw Ul'ia where rervices will be held Mon March 17 at A Viarv Innn ClmiwAnul rts wife of Cant David A mother Lowell of New York Mrs Virginia Taylor and Dr Bruce of Cleveland and grandmother riends mav cad at 1'uoiey Manon runera PimarsI urvtrfe Church Saturday March 13 at 10 a DvxtHft: Ulhlam husband of tn? late annie beloved lamer ol Abe and red: brother of the late Joseph Danchfs passed away suddenly at Miami Beach la residence oOJd Livingston Rd or further information call Berkowitz Sons Inc uneral Chapel LI 140U uneral notice later DOIAl Mary beloved wife of th? late George: motner of Joseph Mary Dnlnv ann Anna oicnisky (Tiarles and Cath fine Tkac sister of Elizabeth Kaftan grandmother and great grandmother riends iweived at the late residence12 Lamontier Ave uneral Tuesday March is from bt Chui ch I I 1MONE: Pauline cnee Ut79 ceuar beloved wife of the late Anthony: mo: her of Samuel Mary Anna fnernh Leu Madeline usil' sister nf Angela Maria antone Aurora Amtrone and1 Amco Ntriantj and grandmother March! 13 ronds rnor ivi at me 3 A CentL uncial Home 211U Murray Hill Rd uneral Monday March 17 from St Marian church at 9:30 a IXkfhlXl Birbaia 1 sister nf hanes Steyer rank of and William nf (al residence 144 Ridgewood Ave rt end received at Kianke uneral Par Detnut Aw trie eivhvs will be held MondayMa? ch 17 at LOST and" rewards bi REOLD lost a he? papers: reward ft tlftO st nn ITl LE LDlnst Lady rnleatrier: vicin ity May Co please return important NaUftTKi Screw Mftt i A i 1 EAN4( man Tiry ri'nirai plant hourly wrokb Hinman clean lu tLr dcntidl rl i W7 I STi crtb'iirK no: ioung man as trainee for a1vncrm salary Dr Schols J013 r'V lIlJ I les a ura nf7 (eadv: pothji Miu bupvriox AskhT trimmer unhfilsLeref: WhlTi riix ituuj iv ui4 ii nui Xfii i i i iv fi ii 'tt 12 Kiri 'rm ikiuiiH xki( I 4U31 and arras now Rrtdkr and tawnid th case 4 IRin i rTTiTN? 'hera I maintenanr? 4 I I flu I ary S'AX Vik Pn Ix4a1rr iY? firr liJlfta ot ai 'lair iViNg room hetprrs young men id TTrCR anver perur'as hnii nuhriAt rt I' JUl TX 'n 1 A a MU iSTgEMANT Travel for whult salefiouM TV Ct ix must Lake ''R and commission Lyss Plain Dealer ary ur' in ritv i Ave beiowd wiie of Mrs eri hcrauka Bobby riends mav kllhti ilrlnral I hlrru uneral services Monday Of 111 I lprk chan warehouse of bfpanrnt: salary old Mt firm Plain lialrr 1: ftttn 1 hnirivjsl lU 2 CLEftk I High scboul gradual? a 4 StS Jn a '1 iviiniif I'oiem xaiary jv loors prompt service terms rm i mi Cr wrM work basem*nt flijni 1 a Vvps BR 4SJX IM Tior hzdnvArt TV A I ivrtxvAftSthb ve have closer anil BM supervisor alert vErrsslve: ex Lr i B'i M'nn AuA' Xd GTT f''TPr'c nn aX vr oiouia ouwnuft iy LiMn i Plains rf is 'j mx wir paH iia aux daw ria in 2nd street north of Harvard hourly rate Atlas Buildmg Co i i rate Employment Mon 133v day through nday White Motor 342 renrvrCf57: i i ru 1 HHlUStrtai I eilol ir sater Wbourn MIg 4 4 14 I 1 rlRI'PXTDC' Stall nVerhoarl ir ra zizwft iwIa 1 MrConk CH I CARIE'TER Large bouseconstruiiTon: good working conditions: hourlv rate East Euclid Homes co*kE sm CAI PKT cleaning machine operator Txa7 tinn experience: steady salarv romovs bide arpet leaning CAut'ET layer cxperiejmeifrs'eadv work: salary commission West Side Carpet leaning El 'ctronics Radar Part Time wt i and 'tauiing available to veterans under tn? I Bill nt Rights: one or tlig dominating organizations the development of television personnel will tram men their lloratnry train ing division for engineering and terhni rians work tn the industry Apply 10 a to 5:30 MA 7539 I AMERICAN TELEVISION fl'R 4 nrni01 Hall lO lii III rnn fH VUAHTCH UAr 1 1 Oil mnki ttf i Sri 14 1 I'CfSOn 1 Ilium to AOUftVI (f fllNVCPS li ITRVACre 1 wajWiungD nnffl file rowing snift General Chemwsl WTII repair all make mm iatnf rn i rxpcrjrnrr1 tn i 17 a 'i iiriu i ngf ira Aamson iri tx us in i orjnri rr JJrALLGAl GDAT shift 4 erro Machine A oundry Inc sneering giuat? I riticiriNu 1 1 i i 1 lip I Ch1 Cd I ex Off Irm sa I at lhz i 1 1 ImP CdTl EuUlP Cori) 2LMJ 1 ri 1 I alrolBni XI I A XU ik I VC T4TL4i ''p 'ft nwrs a ri ex at mi yuajj i4ikv 4MIIIIKUI HMXirTt I OI'Tk il kVTL II' VHH TVfW nm CJirTftll ftT Vr i InhWWM fin I JuV WilC Dfl trnUMlh Untlftll fn TaInIa vl nwT A aiiu'M mronanic: fexnenenepo a ntm IVI types aircraft engines: at: rotate iDKA i sMAN 3 years college mivTrptt 'lvuT rl chin irv iirxv iiviK pttM tn nd ncn A I aflle fiirias I outs i ft I I a HI 1 1 i '44 I I nn Aluminum CO of America 2210 Harvard it iju ip 1 tf A rft gMn nutTs uwt AiwASiki! for rfrflriSSmSnjhrUnS 3 ''wkms'TanT kn'r rk cOlt nrrd Of AK 3r nc 7fWP I SoreCTOni hL "da nLhi reawiiliHS AbMSJANT mgr Downtown: experienced MerunHal I rates rH iAn11' r7 34 I HU" PR i TL Monday afteron 4 fn" Kinsman I ux Al'TO htjy painters polishers rubbers oltRrebS some radiaH I I anywhe high hourly rate: ideal ronditian Car' shift good hourly raid A MarkerAl ftdudio 41 fiadr Cs K115 Carnet 7VX Eued I i AUTO toodji blacksmiths truck salesman car In tfi? Murw rataXIri25und I welders high hourly rate Carneeiel P1 fia'p IS rears old 60c1 Mi Cleveland Lamo Co 551 podv Cn ftiis Carnrsri? hour Box 69 plain Dealer 1 A TO body metal wmkefs hourly rat? orny experierrea apply i i i Garneie a AVB rwriy man and palmer must Be A take charge of shop: $250 plus com fri'sinn lnv ft Al: it hdv erer mn aCTOmoi i counter salesman Box Plain Dealer BAKER hehM no experience: white 4S hours 1 over 40: vacation: untonrate Soane's 2911 Barber BAKER: ioung man to learn bakeiy triple salary 33at) ul on Rd BARBER: Colored wait on white trade: guarantee A Jones 24 il nut St oung town Ohio BAR 4 sidesmen Young ambitious: good opportunity commission Independ ent Store ixtures 52 1 3 uel td: BLt hands 1st and Id shifts night bonus good hourly rate Box 777s Plain Dealer typist Permanent position: 4iY salary South Side preferred ntx 3400 BILLER typist Experienced on Elect rol typewriter salary permanentaHry Camp Coal CH G120 BLACKSMITH Steel mid experience: rale Independence Rd under Mfk Pershlng Bridge Republic Steel BOD tender metal "man IdearcondT ttons sober steady: highest hourlv rate MrGrty Biikell Williams co 4bUl Euclid AM trtnln a i mt rn a I I I A n1 x7224 uchd EX 3327 Bi K)KK EEPER manufacturing firm: salarv: state train nc Bx 17375 Plain Dealer BORING mill operator: Night 44hnui ly rate National Tool 1 Madison BERING mill operator able Io a) own setup toed hourly picce cvok obrn Mffe 5 it1 Hamilton B( 'nriil opciators Night shi'fs good hourly rate Box 17K3 I i Bbam Dealer BRANCH manaxeis Exrxrienr? storm sash: aHHii snartng Plan American 'Rmm Sash ft? Allen Pittsburgh Pa LMCLLA ERs ire brick: experienced pnly alternating shifts houriv rale bonus lil5iQ Quincy BloN Sliaipe automatic setunman? num ninr ft i Jnn meats salarv Mri! I7th STcirn oviurinft'v NT USE JOHNSTON Sujw lnr HmhlA' heW WUtRA 3773 ortKi huM 3 do 9 XT lues ana vvea rrom a in i ihiui MtCHlHI riua WUHO a Av? J5 i COAL yard foremen union wage st wrk Apply in person i Enron Marshall Coal Go nj CuLLkClGk and must bg en and have car salary Apply i ILron Woodland I ord A 7 rira inn ft' ULDiriO) I CIHJK' AH arnvnd HAIRH HAIKU I bun: If you want the truth about vour hair and iV'lUiam 7215 rb''rmg aior UjR 131 da nr nitrr (pf HG 'EclHtg A 1 walrvTTikp uonl LI V7p WALL waahlng paper ien)W and a GA 130 1 iniJriur i J'riCcynu an afford SV 5'eu? Tcr udTa i 7 Riol 1 7S headlining inside hP deck men hourly rate isher Ikriv i iriihrt oi 'IJIMPIX al a i ZS Ina I rV i 1 SALE for die casting nrirMnerv? Angell Ndil 4 Chaplet body hourly rare American na vi sneering background pref out I Body 9M on Hand standing opportunity Box 74 PlainHIPPING 'neral maintenance: fJhVK driver heScrs tvhabk midale aged: no experience sal sh steady: gCi nr rT ij rz arv SOCK) icv nitn ivair I vh TV ami wen i Eurlld Ave 'A' sfnie: maiinA! shnBix JiGri Plain Pm irJ ri nti IIa carter pp rummBrinn Mr Everett 3 40 VTniHms nBMslJ1rnJ0 a SALESMAN ielTmg top tri il over 4' rar commts Ho l7d Pie tn i SAiESMrtN or lifp insurance oddof ro become manager: salary if 1 KA T1T3 I RM 1 1 VT XTT'Lm 1 UXWKAl ronu actol iMM 'merits fom rr 7 HIT nr naHtiuUdoh KE chimn? san rUlVVC1f'k iUTr Trro rnmairV rtrJi iRI( AL wiring sidcn 14 1 commercial industn il installations: IA sq Yrf irVrojE re' crrcrni aM mwl? nuslu ceil un rlrrtrclan TYift Wad? Paric EX L5 1 it? men Upt 1 I I tTr A A cufva iuv mv Huiii ir rotrsnt rrun cn uv i or large kiLi iu ft prwwt lav 'voil mi: 1 ia i i rrv BRIc! pase and traveling hng Iwkvr at 55th st Pinna station March 13 for return of papers and case nn qtirxiinnt asked Urn? nr phone owner's address or call MA 1 'S Id in jjrvchmd BRIE (re ii'st Dark brown leather en velop? Tues 1 March 4: Rd hus or vicinity May tn Trnpo un papcs rir asc returnr Lib era! reward SH 573L COLLIE SHEPHERD PUPPYl0sT hatnc Mi and Rash: rust and taken by 2 children irom station wagon at dmO Union Av? Pleas? return to that address ur cull JIR 0120 CCn0N byrrma" south of lxlnman and 934 st: MJ iGG found Mil? pixsIblyDobt'rman an3 shepherd A3'3 tOG lori Small male black and tan er vicinity uf Paikwoou and Olivet an name Laddy" reward GA I ift Won I)Gg Tost: Black cart chow anT tiobrrman I emal? atviwrrs tn name Mike: license No Joh 1 liberal reward CE 71 7 ATER NG TY Pin lost: Suntay Berea bus lower Show ana nihv jset ing reward Please call! LADi Elgin jrw? wrist watch Instil Gn Mad vm car line: reward AT 527Sat JT and Ji'1 dav SuiuT iy fwt Irish setur TTmontal 014 Ib" huh red: answers name ofp "Rusty" 92 1 and Av? reward jTfjsejranSH1171 Et lost Lady's d'uinonds In usual gold rttirg downtown area: treasured Kkpsake" veiy liberal reward "Please BO 5617 lost: of emblem small dia mond chip reward 3751 4 UA 1:14 WILL cut tiros down nr take them outyTth loots free estimate DI 5370 EDUCATIONAL DUii'i I) ex I and uphvHhuy Vir home luiti iron pruvM tvaon iB tur ffaa ii ruli'i ait wovit me evenings WA 1' hhi Wr wunwe ric baiming LT xvn rnro rxi rnu i aPf ny1 t'OTiNcrrsrc ot 41 1 mA flxr i iniS 1 nr' tn' Mtw r' s'biKtruvnaWe fa wrong me: Mum oe experienced re i EMBALMER Licensed salary AddIv I able salary nr flat rate Mr Clark 1n 'Twf(wd Rd saary appij trrr? I EGrG i kilau tfunrument repairman: car good hourly ra Al TO mechanic Must be the best top needed hourly rate expense state de 65 hnurly rate frwyi nun Rlaushild tails Box 107HH plam fSate? 1 i 1 ft ft ft ft At mrchame: rxrwcnl salarv: rftirfiim ii i ttTvJlS' l'i Rm rtain TmSJit EmBW' yoww: knowl AmmV ACTo Stated: PrtSiaf Rrtm nre Engineer mHhvl'Jnvfflt TT 5 rMuyfe 2S 3S: too mpqrunlr MS I A sty Moe UL Mr lark I iw i "jriT" jj engineer: yoraTc nn si aTWhSSiEX mrisnss kfrra w1hwSt'i a mrvp man hourly mlarv Evxrf rorxTet? piping bmiriy Arthur A ft4 A fi Jgya) Chester PRESSER: ull or zart time J12S pm TO IMf7R ml arv aI bEttr XMg 1110 rur ain Im I wr fa1 13S lAin ra'e Greenwald Lnaacr U7i 1'jG i ovnr ei Am mv vtrrs tRKPlACE'i WATO PIKME 111 'ii hllllc IKIIl IIMZIM1 KOMK RrtO IW SIDING AU? rRtnodciing stunn win ti'jvj f'trtv leins REE ESTIMATE W3 rr i on ires i 'A' nnur Hanging in iwior nnxT fun nxiVft'Si A AS V'l3 I and 1 tO 3P iAiR Ha'G reajjng and I trolt pi aL'Kr BOY 2ri J5 udiahe hemroi: ir? rMI Mr nr um pm l'ip Ml MVi ehrrs 2217 I'tu si PAPERING i A'11 RtmuaJifl A nani ng fi 4 un oirvciC' xk Moo a kh Er 2tH4) I VJ i AN trahi for i whirr a Hu: saal 1 J2iin Cf ttfst I bA 1 M9 LAInTTnit' 1 mt 1U 1 'JWvcd basem*nt white u'intj VI LED Mi MrohaniralTy inchf ri imfn ft I lay Apply Mun rv iio ankictf i st f(Pniing ptui steaming IlE'fTrornfori or sunnoitnru rain Ave MA B557 (t 1 and civiKHns build our homes on a co opuiaUve blan aLsfT leelh repaired while" you DR SLEM N' SjJioS AREA DE MA 972 1 WAICH CRYSiALS WHILE VoIWaIT CA PBELL'SJ 30014Arcade Euclld PIANO tuning expeit repairing: regulaV irr Illi nmo cn a itMriML roundertiul accounting Pneumatic Tool 0 7v tax service Mr Adams YE 3117 fii Tam ja 21 1 WTX tpl rrtti i Dl i A IERs Drlxti drawing of air plan? i 1 1 1 1 a i 14 ri im xtiiif iuiui a LV ri Pneumatic Tool ('o '17x 77th I 1ARP nn I anm ail siex X2 VI I ftytA 1 BN Jnytjmc lend dtUA experience requited: will give IMltLVVRftdtT'idnrr for rneraTnvHn DRIVING to lx Angele about March 19 training Box 1110 Decatur Ulina is I lemmce work Hmirlv sbarN bqxJ5bh Dealer JniEMAKEs: Horh "'ordA wal Brass 1120 $3f Vv W'luiea uayj iiocn iiour rai out a ribcua EufleL IV ZK: uir'iaixrn) Aiusi ne hourly rat? overtime Die Co VV 131 st commission if ouauiaeiTTProsocrt ltn HMf SALESMAN Cafi nty nt? ata aac experience salary 'ired Box 31 PUm aleG aiEAl vw rout? satary aLL xaN MH2 MqvJicM 1 De 13 Pri? iSt rou hCM tn DA) lr 'u'IT: nnuTa wswv A) to Inter ir'vinx: s'e i mus ft hour 5 da 7T3u Euijid Room ri 4AN for lug cleaning dcot 1 luHrired hnujly rale Soclctv Ch JU EN i 'ura yea's1 all irT 1 jTil cns rs To train a MK 1 A I t' fchndflrri Co Ccr' 'it Av? nates: ai 1 4 ri4 ft 'tr IX CAHI'T Tu'rini? Cali for free design book and Dilces tux trumcn lKin Ohnne Vin 727 now CVRE oven tender: Him hourly god wr4Tr7' iT twlect from hundreds nn display Anchor oundry Co Bed ti 2d shift vrMy AVOLSLAGEL MEMORIALS I UU 1 I k4 'LJ uvdwn Mammna KiVEKSIDK CEMETERY A non profit association Many lot avail able at low prices and convenient terms Ktreptcars to our entrance 2fii)7 2'3 4KW A MAI A L1 Eternal protection LT underground burial wsii tprixn ciarxproQi nunprrot yjrf) ms on MAm 7297 uir iiAimir tsviu Ai vai 11 1 vjtn man veieran 10 train seixry nd after this date will notTel P'nnuncnt Mid 1 esiMiiisfulp mr debts contracted bv anv CRANE operator hxei lixprrirncei 1 ronlrit tor one othoi than myself tharlrs barn' gasoline bucket trark crane niriv! 31 1 Un 'tiO ft Oi Nt jy rvniUl KW maniUM ami tnbtnwnT 1X7: wan ft i lift ii II ang anti tax work lor small business al vacuum cleaners tor immediate dehverv! Sin mnnth ii A commission 1r rri1 xisu ti aL I 1'n7 Hi jr wmiCsK snip ciavin secret: iNNE A1 'laa couple BRIN Krejci Drug 2ftil Lorain MA suit? and salary See manager S557 Safe effective Call writ? 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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.