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VIRGINIAN PILOT ANO THE NOROLK LANDMARK TUESDAY MARCH 1926 VX MB BST rVAVrrtVt Avwvti A AHH1 fha 'Hlatrlnt ti? "W4 4 Hf Weddings Announcements 'Along Beautiful New oulards SEALS AND THE GIRL Those Entertaining RUSSELL ETHEREDGE PRITCHARD INCORPORATED March Sale of Silks Personals' I 11 gfatwimiH new pair guarantee 248 250 Granby SL I ad save aboqt 2 Easilr Store News Girl New High Type 7 $18 up Never Misses Style Is JOSEPH i SI TRADE IN SALE! 2 wu" 4 '( il 5 I INC cxfice nkf Monticello Hotel OVER 12 MILLION USED AYEAR) WSPW ist Take TXWOMANS tonic 2'1 tor 121 21 ft! Blue Whfte Diamonds as anything a very long the act are Miss Jeannie Brooke who has been spending site week end with her ela ter Mrs William "Coleman In Green Spring Valleja Md will return to day to her hom*o on Pembroke ave nue Willis Smith SCrall Corbie? Jacek Bennett' With Every Parehnse goods tha Christmas It wean Coats no ANCY DIAL WATCHES Just Arrived HOWARD QUITS POST IN REVENUE BUREAU A 1 Sizes 8 to 10 value of th output of loy by American manufacturers Increased from four million dollars In 1900 to 58 million dollars In 1923 $1050 BLCKVyHITE Bea illy Creations iT I Linoleums Home made Supply of ine Cough Syrup Will 1 System Jwfs Howard chief field dep uty bt tha United States Internal Revenue BureauVirginia District has resigned to enter the Inaurancw tuslness He tendered his resigna tion to John Noel collector of Internal revenue for Virginia arid It has been accepted Mr Howard made known his Inten tion to retire from the ederal serv ice some time ago giving as his rea son that he deaired to busl nose for himself He his been made manager of the Midland Mutual Life Insurance Company of Columbus Ohio tor the State of Virginia and A TQ HEAR TALK ON SHENANDOAH PARK eatures of Shenan doah' Park" is the topic of an ad dress to be at' meeting of Great Bridge Chapter A this afternoon The meeting will be held at 3:30 at the Club The program 'will be in charge of Mrs I Payne historian of the chapter 'S1 which you will' appreciate by the master stylists tn trimming In our Shop second floor of our new Granby street store Women and chil dren receive the highest Two ive Gnmby New and unusual thing? in the richest potteryproductions and the finest glass in cle ye rn shapes and' 'colorings Som'c priced as little' a dollar or two sand on up to five ten and more Third ''loor HUGHES LECTURES ON Robert Hughes foremost among literature lecturers and writers of the city gave an Interesting lecture "ighting before an en thusiastic audience yesterday after noon at the Woman's Club of Nor folk This lecture Is the same he gave In ranklin January 15 and which was received with such Interest It marked another literary event of the year An reception was given at the' conclusion of the lecture a i 1 Imported Art Goods Especially Regularly $165 'i i the times dally AMUsem*nTS TODAY CO LON I v( acts of Kelth AlbeeSuper vaudevllle pasturing Ixtl Arllne and her educated seals In an unusual undersea spectacle Three performances: 3 and 0:15 a Metro Goldwyn comedy drama with Sally the wonder girl of the screen in tbo leading role "laming a Path comedy and International News reel' pic tures NOItVA "Bluxbcard's Seven a irst National picture with brilliant cast headed by Ben "Lyon Blanche Sweet and Lois Wilson the World Coming a Clyde Cook com edy Patheutovlew and grams Viola Dana tn Camo "Sweet rPapa Johnny Mattlseand his Darlings with Beauties three Amateur night tonight eatured Attraction Proves Show In Itself At A Quartet of trained seals brought to remarkable stage of mental de velopment form the featured attrac tion at tha Colonial Theater thia week Arlfne's seals coming from the California coast near the Cata lina Islands are brought to the point of doing some rather unusual things even for trained seals A young woman a marvel In swimming performs with the seals She Is an artist In thia line of ef fort and the act la neat and enter taining It Isn't one of the biggest trained seal acts In the world put It Is good one ami entitled to hon ors anywhere Mel Klee a blackface monologulst appearing as Prince of also takes a considerable portion of the spotlight He has a good dean act cleverly put together and as cleverly put across Roger Imhof author of a number of successful comedy sketches pre sents one of his Slap with the assistance of Marcelle Coreene and Ray It is a well written comedy full of laughs at the hands of Mr (Imhof carrying the main comedy part Ho is In the character of one of his inimitable old men and makes the part a real gem Sunny Bernet and Irene Clark present "Settled with Mr Bernet doing a low cbmedy blt Ills work la clever and the act is dean comedy It da In a hard position on the bill but is good vaudeville Haney Sisters and ine open the program' with a singing music and dancing act One of the big features Is a presenattion of Charles ton" which is as clever of its kind seen here in time Other features of or STORES New Jewelry or Old! Talladega Mrs Mary Hardy 406 Henderson Avenue this city says that seven years ago she "got down and was unable to attend to her houseworhr "I have never been so weak before or she says "I had a terrlbla paliflri my so sore In my side and the lowes part of my body my back ached and I was so nervous I couldn't stand up I had just about given up when some one who came to see me began talking about Cardu! This caused me to get It I took about two bottles before I saw much Improvement "After this though picked up right away I slept better at night I was hungry enjoyed my food which I hadn't done for some time pain and soreness left my side I regained my strength I took about' six bottles and left off for awhile then took two or three more I feel just fine enjoy life and can work now too 'I have a yoilng daughter She was puny for awhile just dragging around color bad and feeling tired She needed a tonic 1 gave her Cardul and she felt so much I Mothers must indeed have confl denco In a medicine when they rec ommend It or give It to their own daughters vt Lovely Miss Loretta Rank 2003 Woodstock St Philadelphia Pa never misses making a hit wherever she goes She says "Any girl can add lots to her attractiveness by al ways using the delightful Black and White ace Powder which Is so dis tinctlvelr fragranced: with of lowera perfume and so exqui sitely textured it makes thy com plexion look fine soft and' satln smooth as a Black and White ace Powder containing the highest quality: ingre dients and bolted many tlntes through finest silk' Is well worthy of its popularity among fastidious women everywhere who 'marVel at Its supreme excellence and low 50c price mV y'Best results come from using Black and White Skin Soap" along with thq Black and WJflte 7Beaufy Creations Vt Dresses RANKLIN'S TO STAGE BEAUTY BALL TONIGHT A beauty ball 'will ba tea' tured by models wearing new spring' apparel furnished by de partment store will be held tonight beginning at 1:45 at the Ghent Club This will be firpt beauty ball of the kind' 7 Perhaps the most Important event of the evening will be the beauty con test tn which all the female guests of the ball may compete A handsome prise will be awarded the best look ing woman present J' This' beauty ball which la being sponsored by Is a 'unique method of conducting fashion show It is an Interesting one as well Nu merous spring fashions will be shown to advantage the environment that snch an occasion afford Mr and Mrs Myers Jr enter tained last week at their home In the Carlton Apartments at a party in honor of their fourth wedding anni versary Bridge was played and dancingenjoyed Mr and Mrs My guests wore Mr and Mrs James Barker Mr and Mrs Hunter Thomas Mr and Mrs Joseph Evans Mr and Mrs rank 'Allen Mr and Mra Garland Smith "Mrs Leo Evana Mr Myers Sr Mrs red Kelltun and Misses Evelyn Mae Myers and Catherine Myers and Ver non A Evans and' George Myers ernobn at 4 The ceremony was Performed Ipr Dr Sparks Mel ton pastor of tha reemason Street Baptist Church The bride whs at tended by Mrs Marlon Salmon of this city and'the bridegroom had as his bst mnn Edward Lee Murphy Mr and Mrs Ennis will reside tem porarily In Norfolk Chief ield Deputy for Vir 7 ginia District To Enter 7 Business (DO duiainci cir voiurnm "uh wm have headquarters In lhe Eafle Building Washington Before his appointment to thIn terna! Revenue service MrHoward was private secretary to Bascom Slemp until Mr retirement from Congress TXt iq wellLnown In Washington and Virginia During his connection with the In ternal revenue service Mr Howard handled a number of important In vestigations In Norfolk and la well known In business circles In this city Noel statd that he re gretted very much to lose the serv let of Mr Howard as he had made a faithful and efficient officer Ills successor has not been appointed but It lit reported John Barns of Roanoke assistant chief field dep ut will succeed him as he la In line for promotion Alabama LaJy Took Carthii and Telia How She Regained "Strength Just eel ine and Enjoy Life Now1 She Says' Regular 165 value Chiffon Hose priced special at $145 Tuesday All the popular spring shades are included in this sale Everyiiair is sold with our 100 sausi acuon or a President 208 Granby Street Armlstcad Todd returned yesfer day to Raleigh after spending the ween end with Mrs Todd Mrs Todd is spending some time visiting In Norfolk Miss Margaret Godwin left Sunday for Richmond where she will visit Miss Vir gdwia Terrellii 322 Granby An oyster and wclnle roast will be given on Saturday March 13 at farm for the benefit ofc the Ghent Methodist Church The cars leaving the Union Statloq at 1:30 and 3:30 will be met Bayville The public Is Invited to attend An Informal reception arranged by Mrs William Rs Royster will follow the lecture "The Humanising of Rob ert Louie Stephenson" to given on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock byDr Johb Galvin Metcalf of the Uni versity of Virginia at the Arte Build ing The la being sponsored by ths Irene Loache Memorial Aaxo clatlon of which Miss Helen Rogers Is chairman The tea table will be presided over by Mrs I Tnsewcll Jr and Mrs Herbert Etheridge and they will be assisted by Mrs A A Perkins Mrs a I Duvall Mrs Abner ops Mrs Spotswood Braxton Hall Mrs Tilley Misses' Sarah Elea nor Osbcrrnw Mary" Ken sett Reese Catherine Corprew and Lily Braxton Wallace of redericks burg 93 WEAK AND IN i TERRIBLEPAIN Wc havc on hand about Btwo dozen pairs of very i fine all woof double blan kets regular $1500 a pair quality Ratherthan carry them over we hate de ll cided to offer them to you at practically' wholesale 1: cost viz Special Tuesday' Sale Chinon nose a iSOlETY' KLL 11 VOVR OLD URNITURE on allow Vo tKtJU Onw iln Puller left last week to visit her son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Duncan puller at their hom*o In St Augustine ist Mr Thomas Emtperson nnd her son Emmerson Jr ho have been the guests of Mr and Mrs Boatwright on Dinwiddle street Portsmouth have returned to thel home In Richmond Mrs William Jarvis Boardman and Mrs Jack Wetmore Lowman both of Cleveland are expected to visit their aun'tMrs William Cary Cole at her home at the Navy Yard during the Easter holldays Mrs Bernard Johnson and little daughter of Bluefield Va are visiting Mrs Johnson's parents Mr ahd Mrs George Lemphler on Hanover avenue Larchmont Miss Joan Smith of Goochland County has been spending 'few days With Mrs Robert Martin at her hom*o on Raleigh avenue rank Lathrop of the University of Virginia Is spending some time kt his home on airfax avenue If you combined the curativo prop erties of every known "ready made cpugtR femedy you i probably could not get as much real curative power as there is in this simple home made cough syrup which is easily prepared In a tew minutes Get from any druggist 2H ounces of Pinex pour It into pint bottle and fill the bottle with syrup using either plain granulated sugar syrup clarified molasses honey or corn syrup as desired Tho result is full pint of really better cough syrup than you could buy ready made foir three times the money Tastes pleas ant and never spoils This Pinex and Syrup preparation gets right at the cause of a cough and gives almost immediate relief It loosens the phlegm stops the pasty throat tickle and heals the sore irri tated membranes so gently and easUy that it is really astonishing A use will usually overcome the ordinary eough and for bronchitis croup hoarseness and bronchial asth ma there is nothing better Pinex is a most valuable concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract and has been used for generations to break severe coughs To avoid: disappointment ask your 'druggist for ounces of full directions and accept anything else Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded uno rmex uo Wayne Ind AN OBLIGING BEAUTY DOCTOR I A Beauty Specialist Gives llme Mada Recipe fj Darken GnT Halt 21 'Gillespie a well known beauty special 1st of Kansas City re cently gave out the following: state ment regarding gray halr "Anyone can prepare A mixture at that will darken gray hair and make it glossy1 To a half pint of water add 1 ounce of bay rumi a small' box of Barbo Compound and ounce of glycerine" "These ingredients can be pur ebased at any drug etore at very IMtle "BostApply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade la ob tained will make gray halr ed person look twenty years younger It does riot color the ts not sticky or greasy and will not rub Bum' AT THE STRAND Viola Dana one of the not popu lar stars tn all screenland will be ieen at the Strand this afternoon and evening in Came Ruth" one ef her' most' successful pictures Wednesday Richard Dix who Is Im mensely popjBar in Norfolk will be Seen In "TlieLucky Devll" which shows him In's 'rollicking 'carefree character of Ute type that made him tamou Dry i Min Street Leaders of Low Prices Elegant ADa Wool Double Blankets A RICHARDSON I The marriage of Miss Imogens Ella I sbeth Richardson of this city andJohn Zelgley Enls of Philadelphia nnd Norfolk took Place Saturday aft Corner Granby St nnd (Brooke Aver Ari ft 1 1 Iri Hair 1 It ft Youth! 'y or youth demands style and albages of women are today yputhful Each ofoiir modes Is designed tomeet the fashion iejeas of the well dressed7 for they are created bythemastermindsc of style aiVette Cob GranbY At TXzwtu 4 1 Come see the new Spring Silks all here and theyjre all beautiful the richest smartest most fashionable Silks of the new Spring season and the fairest priced The OULARDS are particularly attractive all the wanted light and dark grounds in a great assortment of the handsomest set figure and all over patterns priced179 a ELGIN HAMILTON HOWARD ILLINOIS WALTHAM amous American Makes Sold Under I ii i uic J4iuu uciiMCii MUdraillCC of Satisfaction Prompt Attention Given Mail Ordeiu $1 Down Buys Any Watch A1' Smart Mraightline or 1 belted' models cleverly with15 neat i touches of embroidery novel appliques some with white pilar and cuffs new fresh and springlike fashioned qf rinirham prints and nov i 5 el ty materials 'bloomers i with sizes 7to 10 other a sizes from 8 to 14 years be old fashioned keep abreast with the times in jewelry as well as dress Ve will make a lib eral allowance for your old fashioned watch ring pin or chain in exchange for ariy new and modem watch or piece of jewelry in our vast stock 1 4 1 1 Tj We will accept your old watch dr jewelry as' down payment cn any' purchase no cash required the bat ince may be paid in small weekly or monthly sums DIAMOND RINGS ROM $25 to $5000 i Sherlock Holmds is out looking for a detective who is trying to find a sleuth who is in search of a clue remarked Dr Watson And so will your business affairs become hope lessly entangled the proper files Our wood and" steel equipments will add system action to your life Authorized Corona Agents 5ALt5 COJnc "jOistinctlve Office Eairipment I2L YVCST TAZEWELL STREET Weddingv Presents Presehting Many Values In the avored Weaves and Colorings Uk Second leer ront 444 Main 127 Church 228 High St PdrtoMth Mr and Mrs Richard Smith who have been spending tho week end 'at the Wardman Park Hotel Washington will returrt today 'to their home In the Alton Apartment Mrs Julian Oaborne will leave to morrow for Washington where she will visit Lieut Comdr and Mrs Jay Knight Esler LEAGUE WIN CLEANUP IGHT Announcement of the $2500 ap propriation made by council for the cleaning up of vacant lota through out the city an act which the Nor Yolk Housewives League Is especi ally Interested tn was made at meet ing of that association yesterday aft efnoon at the A Several Interesting reports were made And routine business was transacted At the conclusion of tho meeting members went In a body on an In spection tour of the Dwlnell Wrlght Coffee Company plant in Portsmouth where luncheon was served ONE THE BEST PICTURES BY NEILAN a Metro Goldwyn Mayer picture which Is the feature of the program at the Wells this week is declared to' be one of the best and most amusing pictures Marshall Nellan has yet turned out in a Jong career of notable successes This seems reasonable to assume as the story Itself 1 Nellan's own Metro Goldwyn Mayer has given Neilan another outstanding east Sally a wonderful newcomer Charlie Murray ord Sterling Muriel rancis 'Dana rankie Darro Junior William Haines Sam De Brasse' Ned Sparks and other well known players appear In the picture Miss who plays the title role makes her screen debut in "Mike" Sho is Nellan'B latest discovery and he states that she will develop into a star in a surprisingly short time "Mike" is pure entertainment It ahp uu ds Cjom re DiA At Nellan is noted for It has a charming love story anq there are 'many mo ments of' Intense excitement culmi nating In breath taking tjhrllls But Its chief quality is Its humor which funs from subtle wit to broad com edy A Each presentation includes Ing a rathe comedy and Internationa) Newsreel plctures 7 BRIGHT ARCE AT NORVA Seven Wives" a irst National production which is head lining the program at the Norva for the first half of this week Is not a melodrama about a modern wife klller as one might suppose but a bright and jolly farce In whic the people" In the movies make fun of themselves It concerns a young stuttering spectacle wearing ex bank1 teller who by accident falls In to the part and costume of a movie star and who through publicity such as only moviepress agents can think of became overnight the greaetst screen lover rind eheik 1 The picture is amusingly sportive about the movies and screen stars It Is a merry hodge podge of satire and sentiment with a lot of good natured nonsense Interwoven In the plot playing opposite Bon Lyon who Is featured is Ixis Wilson As his lead ing lady In "Romeo and a pic ture within the picture Is Blanche Sweet In addition there are the seven Dorothy Sebastian Diana Kane Katherine Ray Lucy ox Muriel Spring and Kathleen Martin At first Ben appeals as a bashful stammering bank clerk Second stars in a picture in a role of the Valentino typoNext he Is passed off as a celebrated Spanish film star by his press agent ourth he assumes the part of Romeo In "Romeo and Juliet" nl fifth and last he re turns to his original self 1 Added attractions Include "What's The World Coming a Clyde Cook comedy Path Review and Klno PAPA JAMS MAJESTIC They 'em away" at the Ma jestic yesterday for "Sweet Papa itha tabloid review comedian who opened the Main streettheatsr and then practically turned his com pany into a summer stock last season paid his fourth visit there and was given a great welcome rlly Heath was given an equally warm reception and Jack Duvarney Billie Saunders Ellen Lane Paul Can trell rank Caggan and Al Bar tee the demon pianist who appeared In blackface were all remembered The company haa a new leading woman in Julletjleath right off the "big time" whatnot only makes a splendid appearance but who can act Violet Ney and Ellen Laqe led a couple of dashing song numbers and Cassie Mack's reappearance with the company added much to the enjoy ment of the ensembles itfflnra jKMw IVAk WMEdU A 'rtJW 4A ASTift WWHA" Wt MX if I "Jr fl O' ttfo At 8J A 1 'tm a1 WAJEB5WW I I IlM il IMli Bi'Bewxuarat' jienpewr rr ivx a ar'iir i'X i la "iwri 1 i i rtwae C' J'1 't Wk Sxj TY! 1 fl aV aLUWt sa JT dr 1 ''M a tflRW VWt Ww i 1 Id xtwa a Add Ks Ba aart sasasawaswmsiwBaM4BBii I i sdWfcM wiwssn i' i ia iiirtftwtnweriiil 7 nah ri 'ry a j8 in i M'lj Jr a y1 rt '1 a tri'1' 1 1 i I A 1 1 I a 1 i 3 MMa" JjJL Vbsf MM flN 1 II i I JI ral i 55 I i T1 1 MM S' 1 I I I jg i 1 I 's' tiff a I MM" Bs £11 jf 7 I TiT Grate A MMB MMM 1 it JHiML HI 9 Al AgHfr Jj fAservice 4 vs''' i TP XT Z7444CZCa ia 1 1 VI UM i I 1 it came in since X' I rWMostiif i i WB war rLiiTTru OBMJBBwarrjg' Sff HR IS 4 is SMHI BN IV 1 111 wl sl a A 4 fx Aj 4 te a i i qi A 1 1 I RTC MtXJh fi i Er Xx aSO Kv xiu irnitB jrMPMW'M mum 44 AvanAL iiiiit tj 'aw i a bjlh iii is MISS LORETTA RANK Tf 5 I A I to lay torn 0 rfWiffl A Dak 14 TriaeereM IWfilaHl ft IflK 4B 7 Jg fit i V'x lllireaseits g7wxb I LflJr i 4 WHB 1 'e 1 Km Si The Norfolk Home of a 1111 Make Picture raases De lag gageriulBB UK HRtlft LM BLACKanoWHITE Bea 5' I I i I I I '2 I A' I I MISS LORETTA RANK.
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